niantic bay Fishing Report

Niantic Bay

Went out today left mooring at 6 am very windy 3 ft seas Target species was fluke we started in two tree channel caught 6 short fluke all about 17 inches long went over to inside of black point to try to get out of the wind once again a ton of shorts all from 11 inches to 17 inches all and all a nice day on the water even if it was windy we caught about 30 fluke total with no keepers . My uncle was out in his boat over by milestone he caught about the same amount of fluke but he had three keepers all in the 20 inch range . I heard of a guy catching a 30 inch fluke yesterday location not disclosed

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  • Couldn't physically see the fish as I was on one side of the outflow about 30-40 yards from the guy who lost a blue to one. Not much else in there that would take a 3/4 of a blue besides a shark. I don't worry about 'em as they are all over the Outer Banks. If I weren't in a 14ft. boat I would have rigged a blue for bait.

  • How big were the brown sharks did you see them

  • I was over at Millstone yesterday morning and there were two brown sharks eating bluefish. The other boat was getting bait for a shark fishing trip past block.

  • I would have liked to go out in deeper water off of blackpoint but had a chummer on the boat so wanted to keep chum to a minimum he had an excuse he was a youngster also forgot to report hearing about two brown sharks eating fish being reeled up at the outflow second hand report

  • That's a lot of shorts...maybe deeper and bigger bait??? Just a guess. Thanks for the report

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