
jordan bailey

boston, Massachusetts, USA
Member since April 28th, 2014

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Fished the charles in watertown today, ever since muskie got me stoked on carp i've been fishing every morning and night for three weeks. two nights ago i caught a 20 pound carp, but was unable to get it over the rock wall i was fishing. this afternoon i had lunch with my wife then headed off to the charles, i've switched to using my inshore saltwater rods for these fish, they are not to be f'd with. Found a slow moving part of the river about a half mile from a small waterfall, no wind, lots of brush and fallen trees. I was joined by a few older lebanese guys who had been fishing the river for forty years, they told me of giant carp and pike they'd caught over the years, but today they were fishing for stripers with herring...dont tell DNR. they showed me where to fish and how to let the fish take the bait, instead of snagging them , i brought a secret weapon, bag of cheapo white bread and the catalyst to my carp extravaganxza, salmon eggs- used for trout fishing, pink ones at that! using a one oz slug weight and a number two hook with a 10 in leader i casted across the small river under some trees. within two minutes the reel was singing. not a huge fish compared to the one from the other night, but fought like a bastard. the best part of the trip was meeting these guys, they had nails in the trees from fishing their over the years, their version of rod holders. turns out they're all business owners from the town where i'm a sous chef at a french restaurant, and they've ALLOWED me to fish their spot and use their rod holders:) hitting it again with a chef buddy of mine who goes "shaking for steelhead" whatever that is, either way i'm excited to learn more from him about freshwater stuff. Take muskies advice, the carp of amazing fish to catch, super smart, giant pull, and quite a challenge.

Posted 10 years ago

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hit it twice in the last two days, only hooked up at night, i was fishing for carp with garlic and corn thanks to muskie but all i caught was this little bass. made my night though

Posted 10 years ago

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