Wallingford Linear trail Fishing Report

*Hidden Lake* Anglers Paradise

This is a relatively unknown area, it is off of the Wallingford linear trail...walk 1.0 miles down the linear trail, to the right there will be a dirt path, you can barely tell its a path. take that path through the woods for about 1 mile and you will see the q river and from there you can follow the riverbed trail along the river headed downstream until you reach anglers paradise on the left is the q river with a 5 ft wide path and to the otherside of the path directly is a huge lake, with almost crystal clear water, no one knows about this lake and im guessing its rarely ever fished but its HUGE...its amazing to the right you have the q to the left the river and in front community lake all 3 boddies of water are within ft of eachother...hell of a discovery.......its deep in the woods and you can leave the path onto oak st. if you cant find it send me a message and I can be of assistance. ALLLLL kinds of bait working here even managed to hook a rainbow with a salwater lure...biting everything yesterday.

  • Added By: jecorbett1234 on 04/25/13 05:04 PM
  • Location: Wallingford Linear trail
  • Report Date: 4/25/2013
  • # of Hotspots: 1
  • # of Photos: 0
  • # of Fish Caught: 2
  • Learn more about Wallingford Linear trail fishing in our fishing message boards

Report Catches

Fisherman's Paradise Catch

  • # of Fish Caught: 2
  • Water Type: freshwater
  • Type of Fish: Yellow Perch
  • Bait Type: Plastic Swimbait Check Prices
  • Location Details: Heavily wooded, 3 bodies of water. youll notice unknown lake first its 10x cleaner and nicer than q river and almost looks to clean to be a ct river. NOONE fishes here as far as I know and if you have the time you can do it no problem,, also you can reach fishers paradise by parking on oak st and at the end of the street take the path to the right and go for about .5 miles straight along community lake.

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  • Are you talking about Community Lake of the lake at Lakeside Park?

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